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Alzheimer’s Care Tips for Helping Seniors Get Dressed

As a family caregiver, it can be difficult to dress and care for your senior loved one. Alzheimer’s care can help reduce the stress of their daily routines.
Dressing Seniors: Alzheimer's Care Oxford PA
Dressing Seniors: Alzheimer's Care Oxford PA

Caring for a senior parent with Alzheimer’s can be difficult. Alzheimer’s care can help reduce some of the stress that comes with caring for a senior parent with Alzheimer’s. As the disease progresses and your senior parent has difficulty with things like showering, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed each day, it can be very hard for family caregivers to work with a senior parent. Alzheimer’s care, which is specialized care provided by trained caregivers, can help make it easier to take care of a senior parent who has dementia. Here are a few ways to make care easier.

Pick Easy On/Off Clothes

When helping a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s get dressed you should always choose clothes that will be easy for them to pull on or off. Pants that are oversized with elastic waist will be easier for seniors to get on than fitted pants. Shirts should be flowy and have plenty of room in the middle. You can also use helpful adaptive devices to help seniors with things like putting on their socks and shoes or pulling up zippers or even fastening buttons or bra hooks. Sports bras are also great for female seniors because they are comfortable but supportive and easy to get on and off.

Offer Options

If your senior parent gets upset because they don’t like one of the things you picked out for them to wear, offer them choices and let them choose what they want to wear. Just asking what they want to wear can be overwhelming for a senior with Alzheimer’s so avoid asking general questions like that. When you ask a question present two clear options so that they can choose. For example, if you’re trying to get them dressed and they don’t like the shirt you picked out instead of overwhelming them by asking what they want to wear. Instead, pick two shirts and tell them they can choose one of the two.

Explain What You’re Doing

It can also help keep seniors calm if you explain to them what you’re going to do before you do it. For example, you can tell them that you’re going to guide their arm into a sleeve so they’re prepared for what you’re going to do. If a senior with Alzheimer’s is becoming belligerent or upset when you try to get them dressed it may be that they just don’t understand what is happening to them. Explain that you’re helping them get dressed and reassure them that everything is okay.

Go Slowly

Take your time when you’re getting a senior parent with Alzheimer’s dressed. They may be frightened because they are not sure what is happening. Tell them before you make any kind of moves or gestures and explain how you’re going help them so they feel less confused. Once they understand that you’re trying to help they will likely be more cooperative throughout the process.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Alzheimer’s Care in Oxford, PA please contact the caring staff at Harmony Companion Home Care today. (610) 910-6015

Dr. Victor Bayo Jegede
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